Saturday, August 4, 2012

Peeing on a Stick

(This is an older post I meant to post earlier this summer)

So, aren't pregnancy sticks EXPENSIVE!!! I mean, seriously?!?!? If you are TTC those things will break your bank! And even if they don't ('cuz you're disgustingly wealthy), it's the principle! I am gonna pee on this, wait 5 minutes then throw it away. And for that I have to pay $20??? Enter the 99 cents store. In this magical place you can buy a stick, not a fancy one but it does the same thing, for less than a dollar (before taxes). But wait a minute, if you are TTC then you are probably peeing on a stick 4-7 times a months x 12 months = $84 a year. That's $84 bucks you are spending to be pissed off every time you piss on a stick. That is too much money to spend just to be frustrated, in my opinion anyway.

My solution, buying pregnancy sticks in bulk on-line. I bought 100 stick for $20. That is definitely a more reasonable price. And since I had so many, and they were so cheap to get in the first place, I was more than happy to share the wealth and give them away to friends who thought they might be pregnant. "Why wait in suspense? Here take a handful. Knock yourself out".

Only downside (as I was warned by a close friend), you do get kinda addicted to peeing on a stick. Same thing with ovulation predictor sticks. Your day just doesn't feel right until you've peed on a stick. Who's with me? Anyone? Is this thing on??? (She recedes back into the crazy-shell she stuck her head out of.)

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