The story behind this shirt: When I was in high school my aunt handed me this shirt, knowing that I love all things Maya and traditional (proud of my Maya roots, just like her :). She said that she didn't fit in the shirt and that she wanted me to have it until the day she could. At the time, I also couldn't fit in it. Too big. But I thought it was too beautiful to give back. I also thought that if I was ever pregnant this shirt would fit. Fast forward 15 years- this is the first time I am wearing this shirt.
That day I couldn't help but reflect on the naive and innocent thoughts of a freshman in high school. How simple it all seemed to me then. How little I new about the trials that would lay ahead. And yet, how beautiful to see the world with such assured hope.
To that freshman I would like to say, "Well, we did it. We are wearing that shirt that you faithfully kept year after year anticipating the moment when your belly would be full of baby to fill it out. The path here took longer than expected, but I can't thank you enough for planting that seed of hope. At times, that seed was my rock. Thank you naive, and innocent me. Wearing this shirt was a triumphant day for us! Yes, it was!"
PS: The bananas are for a project my husband and I are working on. This was the only picture I could find that showed the front of the shirt.
love the shirt